
So many of us do not feel we belong in this world, and what a silly human predicament this really is. We are born and immediately begin questioning our “born-ness.”

“Is this the right place?”

“Did they get the address right?”

“Why don’t I seem to fit in like everyone else?”

I call this predicament silly not from higher ground but from a place of deep knowing and resonance as I have wrestled with this core belief all my life. And honestly, I did not fit in in many ways. But I was not supposed to really because the truth is no one does. How could the complexity and uniqueness of a human being possibility “fit in” to something.

The trees say, “Belonging? Belong to what?”

There is no secret club, no elite membership status. There is just us beings. We are being, and often, we are longing, but underneath that longing is a truth we all contain. Certainly, there are hierarchies in the animal kingdom and animals can feel isolated or left out from the pack, but this is based on survival at lower levels of consciousness. Humans have evolved to create layers of meaning that do not resonate with an ultimate truth or knowing of our right to be here. You were born and you deserve to be here. It is as simple as that, though it can be a lifetime, or many, of lessons to learn this wisdom. I am still learning it myself. I deserve to be here and I have a right to walk this earth as much as any one or any thing else. So do you. The hierarchies we establish are nothing but the creative strategies we have put in place to survive in the same way other species do, but humans are unique in questioning their inherent worth. Plus, reflecting similarities of the natural world does not mean we are meant to emulate everything they do. At higher states of consciousness, we are privy to higher states of wisdom and knowing. Of course, we are also privy to more strategic forms of brutality and destruction, though these are the lessons we must learn.

I see that in my 30+ years of learning I belong and, furthermore, that there is nothing to belong to, my mission is to guide others into this deep place of knowing and truth, not from external validation of making the crowds clap but from a waking up to the truth within. Such a truth cannot be taken from you no matter who says what. You can be cast out, forgotten, and left to die by society at large, but you will never stop belonging to the larger family - the Spirit family- to which you shall return. The planets, the stars, the plants, the mountains, the oceans, the animals, and you. You cannot escape belonging. just like you could not escape birth. If you made it to this earth, this life, in this moment in time and space, you arrived with all the documentation necessary for belonging. You were made of the same stuff as the rest of us. The star dust and universal life source energy. There is nothing required to prove your belonging. Not through sex or money or size or anything else. Welcome, this is your home too, if only for a brief time in the grand scheme of things. You were chosen to become embodied for this life, not all souls are granted such a privilege. It is often painful to learn such lessons of human existence, but ultimately we all return to where we once came from and once we arrive, we are immediately reminded of all we had forgotten so briefly during our time on Earth. “Belonging” is a concept humans created to identify worthiness, but all are worthy under the eyes of Great Spirit. All are watched as carefully as the next and no one is lost. No one is cast out. No one is forgotten. May we dance in the silliness of our convictions and linger in the foolishness of things while we are here.


Waking Up


Merging the Path of Awakening and the Realm of Souls and Spirits