A Guide to Manifestation

How do you really get what you want? When does the universe join in to support your vision? How much can you really “do” for yourself and when can you simply surrender to the larger forces at play?

These questions have accompanied me, painstakingly, on my journey to unfolding the highest vision for my life. Many times I have wondered what I could be doing to further these goals. However, whenever I found myself wrestling with how to make things happen faster, there was always fear present. The conditions of fear are the antithesis of manifestation. Fear closes down vision, projects destruction and failure, and paints the world as seen by the lowest vibration states and trauma conditioning within you. It is a good general practice to only envision your life when you can do so from a place of playfulness and amusement. It is wholly unhelpful to attempt to see beyond your circumstances when you are mired in fear and doubt, though often these are precisely the times when you will make the effort to do so. In these moments, your highest priority is to see through the illusion of the fears, to care for the body, and to assure the child self that all will be well. You do not need to force a powerful vision to appear when your foundation is rooted in darkness. First you must ride the wave of darkness and practice tools that help soothe the mind and guide you gently back toward the Light. The universe is bringing you these emotion states to clear out and create space as this is the only way for true clarity in your vision to come through. You may feel like you are spinning in circles, visiting brief windows of clarity and excitement only to feel the windows close and the fears creep back in. Remember that you are never moving back to the starting point; in fact, you are spiraling forward and each time you revisit old patterns of fear you are unearthing another layer that is ready to be released. This is the way. Through these cycles of ebb and flow, a growing faith and conviction is taking shape below the surface of the journey. Similar to how you may look at a years-long tracker of investments and see your portfolio rise and fall in day-to-day analysis, but overall you may draw a trend upward. The upward trend is your faith and ultimate conviction that you are on the right path.

Your mind will so easily forget the miraculous things that have taken place and gotten you to where you are now. In times of despair, confusion, and disarray, come back to these moments of revelation where Spirit poked through the veil and revealed itself to you. Challenge the ego mind’s attempts to chalk all of your successes up to coincidence and remember your Truth - you are always supported and all is provided. Remember that all aspects of the journey are celebrated by the Spirit realm, both the light and the dark, the challenge and the celebration. Both are required and equally valuable to help clear out what is no longer coming with you and make space for all that is. Contrary to the ego’s preference for control, you often do not receive your gifts on a timeline of your choosing, but when you have arrived at a place of readiness in accordance with the larger forces of the universe. I continue to be challenged in this area! Once you see the signs that something you have worked for is arriving, it can be challenging to stay in the natural flow and rhythm. Similar to receiving presents as a child on the holiday of your choosing, your ego mind, childlike in nature, does not want to wait! But when the moment does arrive, you will see with crystal clarity the blessings of the journey, for it is true that the journey is where the growth took place. The gift itself is simply the stamp of approval. Over time, you will require less stamps of approval and the conviction will have grown strong enough to replace all lingering fears and doubts in the true creation power within you.


A Journey of Faith


Ease & Grace