Dear Sufferer,

What are you a vessel for?

Your trauma or your highest vision?

We are all a vessel for something and we all carry trauma, both from early life and ancestry. It may appear as dis-ease, dis-order, emotional strife, or difficult life circumstance of some kind. You may have walked a long journey to get here, exhausted from the roller coaster of hope and disappointment.

 I am here to put an end to that journey and to help you begin a new one -

to guide you beyond your trauma and to become a vessel for the true freedom and power waiting for you.

Daniel Atkins, PsyD is a channeler, intuitive psychologist, and Pleiadian starseed. He serves as a bridge to higher sources of guidance and to releasing the lineages and layers of trauma you carry to transform your life.

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About Daniel

Daniel Atkins, PsyD guides individuals and group workshops to understand the lineages and layers of emotion and belief-based trauma they carry from early life, ancestry, and beyond. He combines the foundation of his trauma-focused clinical training with intuitive heart-based wisdom, energy medicine, and access to higher forms of consciousness.

Daniel was trained as a clinical psychologist and personally navigated a 10+ year journey with a misunderstood medical diagnosis. His personal journey led him to seek beyond the traditional bounds of western medicine in order to heal himself and develop the tools to guide others. His exploration led him to various forms of intuitive knowledge, the mind-body connection, and the energetic chakra system, all of which he now uses to meet the holistic needs of sufferers. He acts as a bridge between the world of western psychology and the spiritual realm and he teaches from the philosophy that trauma, in all its forms, invites us into a deeper understanding of our human experience and opens a path to our highest selves.

If you have not yet found answers within traditional fields of medicine or psychology, Daniel invites you to activate the healer within, to integrate mind, body, and Spirit, and to embrace your highest vision.

Click the button below to read about Daniel’s story.